Caesium in PDB, part 4 (files: 121-160),
PDB 6dzo-7jmq
Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Caesium (Cs) in bioorganic
molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius
around Caesium atoms. PDB files: 121-160 (PDB 6dzo-7jmq).
6dzo (Cs: 4) - Crystal Structure of Salmonella Typhimurium Tryptophan Synthase Mutant Beta-Q114A with 2-({[4-(Trifluoromethoxy)Phenyl]Sulfonyl}Amino)Ethyl Dihydrogen Phosphate (F9F) at the Alpha-Site, Cesium Ion at the Metal Coordination Site, and [3-Hydroxy-2-Methyl-5-Phosphonooxymethyl- Pyridin-4-Ylmethyl]-Serine (Pls) at the Beta-Site.
Other atoms:
F (3);
Cl (13);
6fvr (Cs: 11) - The Active Form of A Pentameric Ion Channel (Stelic) Gated By Alkaline pH - Stelic in Complex with Cesium Ions (Cs+)
6grd (Cs: 1) - Eukaryotic Junction-Resolving Enzyme Gen-1 Binding with Cesium
Other atoms:
Mg (1);
6h76 (Cs: 2) - Siap in Complex with NEU5AC (Rt)
Other atoms:
Cl (2);
6hda (Cs: 1) - Crystal Structure of the Potassium Channel MTTMEM175 with Cesium
6hfb (Cs: 12) - Outward-Facing Conformation of A Multidrug Resistance Mate Family Transporter of the Mop Superfamily.
6jis (Cs: 7) - Crystal Structure of the Histidine Racemase Cntk in Cobalt and Nickel Transporter System of Staphylococcus Aureus
Other atoms:
Cl (3);
6lau (Cs: 1) - The Wildtype Sam-VI Riboswitch Bound to Sah
6o1h (Cs: 5) - Tryptophan Synthase Q114A Mutant in Complex with N-(4'- Trifluoromethoxybenzenesulfonyl)-2-Amino-1-Ethylphosphate (F9F) at the Enzyme Alpha-Site, Cesium Ion at the Metal Coordination Site, and 2-Aminophenol Quinonoid at the Enzyme Beta Site
Other atoms:
F (3);
Cl (24);
6od9 (Cs: 2) - Co-Crystal Structure of the Fusobacterium Ulcerans Ztp Riboswitch Using An X-Ray Free-Electron Laser
Other atoms:
Mg (2);
K (5);
6u1f (Cs: 4) - Thermus Thermophilus D-Alanine-D-Alanine Ligase in Complex with Atp, D-Alanine-D-Alanine, MG2+ and Cs+
Other atoms:
Mg (4);
6u1g (Cs: 4) - Thermus Thermophilus D-Alanine-D-Alanine Ligase in Complex with Atp, D-Alanine-D-Alanine, MG2+ and Cs+
Other atoms:
Mg (4);
6ub9 (Cs: 4) - Crystal Structure of Tryptophan Synthase From M. Tuberculosis - Aminoacrylate- and BRD6309-Bound Form
Other atoms:
F (12);
Cl (4);
6vfd (Cs: 4) - Tryptophan Synthase Mutant Q114A in Complex with Cesium Ion at the Metal Coordination Site and 2-Aminophenol Quinonoid at the Enzyme Beta Site
Other atoms:
Cl (16);
6wcb (Cs: 7) - Human Open State TMEM175 in Cscl
6wcc (Cs: 5) - Human Closed State TMEM175 in Cscl
6wx3 (Cs: 3) - High Resolution Tryptophan Synthase Crystal Structure From Salmonella Typhimurium in Complex with F9 Inhibitor in the Alpha-Site, Cesium Ion at the Metal Coordination Site and Internal Aldimine Form.
Other atoms:
F (3);
Cl (1);
6x0c (Cs: 3) - Tryptophan Synthase Mutant Beta-Q114A in Complex with Cesium Ion at the Metal Coordination Site and Aminoacrylate and Benzimidazole at the Enzyme Beta Site
Other atoms:
Cl (3);
6xe3 (Cs: 5) - Salmonella Typhimurium Tryptophan Synthase Beta-S377A Mutant in Complex with Inhibitor F9 at the Enzyme Alpha-Site, Cesium Ion at the Metal Coordination Site and Carbanion III E(C3) at the Enzyme Beta- Site.
Other atoms:
Cl (15);
F (3);
6xin (Cs: 3) - The Crystal Structure of Tryptophan Synthase From Salmonella Enterica Serovar Typhimurium in Complex with (2S)-3-Amino-3-Imino-2- Phenyldiazenylpropanamide at the Enzyme Alpha-Site.
Other atoms:
Cl (16);
6xsy (Cs: 4) - The External Aldimine Crystal Structure of Salmonella Typhimurium Tryptophan Synthase Mutant Beta-S377A with Inhibitor 2-({[4- (Trifluoromethoxy)Phenyl]Sulfonyl}Amino)Ethyl Dihydrogen Phosphate (F9F) at the Alpha-Site, Cesium Ion at the Metal Coordination Site, and (E)-N-({3-Hydroxy-2-Methyl-5-[(Phosphonooxy)Methyl]Pyridin-4- Yl}Methylidene)-L-Serine (Kou) at the Beta-Site
Other atoms:
Cl (9);
F (3);
6y4i (Cs: 1) - Structural and Kinetic Evaluation of Phosphoramidate Inhibitors on Thermolysin
Other atoms:
Zn (1);
Ca (4);
6yi6 (Cs: 2) - Structural and Kinetic Evaluation of Phosphoramidate Inhibitors on Thermolysin
Other atoms:
Ca (4);
Zn (1);
7abm (Cs: 2) - X-Ray Structure of Phosphorylated Barrier-to-Autointegration Factor (Baf)
7bmp (Cs: 7) - Hewl in Cesium Chloride (0.25 M Cscl in Protein Buffer and Cryo Protectant).
Other atoms:
Cl (8);
7bmq (Cs: 15) - Hewl in Cesium Chloride (1.71 M Cscl in Cryo Protectant)
Other atoms:
Cl (3);
7bmr (Cs: 16) - Hewl in Cesium Chloride (0.25 M Cscl in Protein Buffer and 1.71 M Cscl in Cryo Protectant)
Other atoms:
Cl (3);
7bms (Cs: 16) - Hewl in Cesium Chloride (1.5 M Cscl in Crystallization Condition and Cryo Protectant)
Other atoms:
Cl (4);
7bmu (Cs: 1) - P62PH in Cesium Chloride (0.25 M Cscl in Protein Buffer)
Other atoms:
K (1);
Cl (3);
7bmv (Cs: 2) - P62PH in Cesium Chloride (0.25 M Cscl in Protein Buffer and Cryo Protectant)
Other atoms:
Cl (1);
7bmw (Cs: 5) - P62PH in Cesium Chloride (0.75 M Cscl in Cryo Protectant)
Other atoms:
Cl (2);
7bmx (Cs: 8) - P62PH in Cesium Chloride (0.25 M Cscl in Protein Buffer and 0.75 M Cscl in Cryo Protectant)
Other atoms:
Cl (2);
7bmy (Cs: 8) - P62PH in Cesium Chloride (0.7 M Cscl in Crystallization Condition and Cryo Protectant)
Other atoms:
Cl (6);
7dil (Cs: 8) - Structure of PFGRX1 with Cesium
7dit (Cs: 2) - Structure of PFGRX1 in the Intermediate State with Cadmium and Cesium
Other atoms:
Cd (7);
Cl (2);
7diu (Cs: 3) - Structure of PFGRX1 in the Intermediate State with Platinum and Cesium
Other atoms:
Pt (1);
7eoj (Cs: 8) - Crystal Structure of the Pepper Aptamer in Complex with Hbc, Cesium Soak
Other atoms:
Mg (9);
7jhw (Cs: 4) - The Internal Aldimine Crystal Structure of Salmonella Typhimurium Tryptophan Synthase Mutant Beta-S377A in Complex with Inhibitor 2- ({[4-(Trifluoromethoxy)Phenyl]Sulfonyl}Amino)Ethyl Dihydrogen Phosphate (F9F) at the Alpha-Site and Cesium Ion at the Metal Coordination Site
Other atoms:
Cl (12);
F (3);
7jll (Cs: 4) - The Internal Aldimine Crystal Structure of Salmonella Typhimurium Tryptophan Synthase Mutant Beta-S377A in Complex with Inhibitor 2- ({[4-(Trifluoromethoxy)Phenyl]Sulfonyl}Amino)Ethyl Dihydrogen Phosphate (F9F) at the Alpha-Site, Cesium Ion at the Metal Coordination Site and L-Tryptophan at the Enzyme Beta-Site
Other atoms:
F (3);
Cl (24);
7jmq (Cs: 2) - The External Aldimine Form of the Mutant Beta-S377A Salmonella Thypi Tryptophan Synthase in Open Conformation Showing Dual Side Chain Conformations For the Residue Beta-Q114, Sodium Ion at the Metal Coordination Site, and F9 Inhibitor at the Alpha-Site. One of the Beta-Q114 Rotamer Conformations Allows A Hydrogen Bond to Form with the Plp Oxygen at the Position 3 in the Ring
Other atoms:
Cl (1);
Na (1);
F (3);
Page generated: Sat Feb 15 16:53:32 2025