Caesium in PDB, part 2 (files: 41-80),
PDB 2ov4-4ht3
Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Caesium (Cs) in bioorganic
molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius
around Caesium atoms. PDB files: 41-80 (PDB 2ov4-4ht3).
2ov4 (Cs: 1) - Crystal Structure of B. Stearothermophilus Tryptophanyl Trna Synthetase in Complex with Adenosine Tetraphosphate
2qwy (Cs: 2) - Sam-II Riboswitch Bound to S-Adenosylmethionine
Other atoms:
Mg (1);
2r49 (Cs: 1) - Mutational and Structural Studies of E85I Reveal the Flexible Loops of Fibrobacter Succinogenes 1,3-1,4-Beta-D- Glucanaseglucanase
Other atoms:
Ca (1);
2rif (Cs: 11) - Cbs Domain Protein PAE2072 From Pyrobaculum Aerophilum Complexed with Amp
2tpl (Cs: 2) - Tyrosine Phenol-Lyase From Citrobacter Intermedius Complex with 3-(4'-Hydroxyphenyl)Propionic Acid, Pyridoxal-5'- Phosphate and Cs+ Ion
2wuv (Cs: 11) - Crystallographic Analysis of Counter-Ion Effects on Subtilisin Enzymatic Action in Acetonitrile
Other atoms:
Ca (1);
Cl (8);
Na (1);
2x1w (Cs: 2) - Crystal Structure of Vegf-C in Complex with Domains 2 and 3 of VEGFR2
2xq6 (Cs: 1) - Pentameric Ligand Gated Ion Channel Glic in Complex with Cesium Ion (Cs+)
3atf (Cs: 2) - Crystal Structure of the KIR3.2 Cytoplasmic Domain (Na+-Free Crystal Soaked in 200 Mm Cesium Chloride)
Other atoms:
Mg (1);
3c35 (Cs: 13) - Crystal Structure of GLUR5 Ligand-Binding Core in Complex with Cesium at 1.97 Angstrom Resolution
Other atoms:
Cl (1);
3cep (Cs: 3) - Structure of A Tryptophan Synthase Quinonoid Intermediate
3dim (Cs: 2) - Crystallization of the Thermotoga Maritima Lysine Riboswitch Bound to Lysine, Cs+ Soak
Other atoms:
Na (15);
3e83 (Cs: 2) - Crystal Structure of the the Open Nak Channel Pore
Other atoms:
Na (3);
3e86 (Cs: 2) - High Resolution Crystal Structure of the Open Nak Channel Pore
Other atoms:
Ca (1);
Na (4);
3e89 (Cs: 2) - Crystal Structure of the the Open Nak Channel-Low Na+ Complex
Other atoms:
Na (4);
3e8g (Cs: 2) - Crystal Structure of the the Open Nak Channel-Na+/CA2+ Complex
Other atoms:
Ca (2);
Na (4);
3f2x (Cs: 4) - Crystal Structure of the Fmn Riboswitch Bound to Fmn, Cs+ Soak.
Other atoms:
Mg (13);
3ij4 (Cs: 4) - Cesium Sites in the Crystal Structure of A Functional Acid Sensing Ion Channel in the Desensitized State
Other atoms:
Cl (1);
3mgs (Cs: 12) - Binding of Cesium Ions to the Nucleosome Core Particle
Other atoms:
Mn (14);
Cl (4);
3nh4 (Cs: 2) - Crystal Structure of Murine Aminoacylase 3
Other atoms:
Cl (2);
Zn (1);
3pr2 (Cs: 3) - Tryptophan Synthase Indoline Quinonoid Structure with F9 Inhibitor in Alpha Site
Other atoms:
F (3);
3rv4 (Cs: 1) - Crystal Structure of E.Coli Biotin Carboxylase R16E Mutant in Complex with Mg-Adp and Bicarbonate
Other atoms:
Mg (1);
Cl (2);
Na (2);
3skw (Cs: 6) - Crystal Structure of the 2'- Deoxyguanosine Riboswitch Bound to 2'- Deoxyguanosine, Cesium Soak
Other atoms:
Mg (2);
3ump (Cs: 2) - Crystal Structure of the Phosphofructokinase-2 From Escherichia Coli in Complex with Cesium and Atp
Other atoms:
Mg (4);
3vy8 (Cs: 3) - Crystal Structure of Porb From Neisseria Meningitidis in Complex with Cesium Ion, Space Group P63
3vy9 (Cs: 4) - Crystal Structure of Porb From Neisseria Meningitidis in Complex with Cesium Ion, Space Group H32
3vzt (Cs: 3) - Crystal Structure of Outer Membrane Protein Porb From Neisseria Meningitidis
3vzw (Cs: 2) - Crystal Structure of Outer Membrane Protein Porb From Neisseria Meningitidis in Complex with Galactose
3wrx (Cs: 18) - Crystal Structure of Heliase Complex 1
Other atoms:
Mg (3);
3ws0 (Cs: 2) - N288Q-N321Q Mutant Beta-Lactamase Derived From Chromohalobacter Sp.560 (Condition-1A)
Other atoms:
Cl (4);
Ca (10);
3ws1 (Cs: 2) - N288Q-N321Q Mutant Beta-Lactamase Derived From Chromohalobacter Sp.560 (Condition-1B)
Other atoms:
Ca (10);
3ws2 (Cs: 1) - N288Q-N321Q Mutant Beta-Lactamase Derived From Chromohalobacter Sp.560 (Condition-1C)
Other atoms:
Ca (10);
4c3u (Cs: 10) - Extensive Counter-Ion Interactions with Subtilisin in Aqueous Medium, Cs Derivative
Other atoms:
Ca (1);
Cl (6);
Na (1);
4e8r (Cs: 35) - Structure of Oceanobacillus Iheyensis Group II Intron in A Ligand-Free State in the Presence of Cs+ and MG2+
Other atoms:
Mg (23);
4eeb (Cs: 9) - Cora Coiled-Coil Mutant Under MG2+ Absence
Other atoms:
Na (1);
4ena (Cs: 5) - Crystal Structure of Fluoride Riboswitch, Soaked in Cs+
Other atoms:
F (1);
Mg (7);
4hn4 (Cs: 3) - Tryptophan Synthase in Complex with Alpha Aminoacrylate E(A-A) Form and the F9 Inhibitor in the Alpha Site
Other atoms:
F (3);
4hpj (Cs: 3) - Crystal Structure of Tryptophan Synthase at 1.45 A Resolution in Complex with 2-Aminophenol Quinonoid in the Beta Site and the F9 Inhibitor in the Alpha Site
Other atoms:
F (3);
Cl (7);
4hpx (Cs: 2) - Crystal Structure of Tryptophan Synthase at 1.65 A Resolution in Complex with Alpha Aminoacrylate E(A-A) and Benzimidazole in the Beta Site and the F9 Inhibitor in the Alpha Site
Other atoms:
F (3);
4ht3 (Cs: 5) - The Crystal Structure of Salmonella Typhimurium Tryptophan Synthase at 1.30A Complexed with N-(4'-Trifluoromethoxybenzenesulfonyl)-2-Amino- 1-Ethylphosphate (F9) Inhibitor in the Alpha Site, Internal Aldimine
Other atoms:
F (3);
Cl (7);
Page generated: Sat Feb 15 16:53:27 2025